more couch animals / Couchtiere

Still nothing worth watching on tv this week, so this is part two of my couch-series (you can find part one here). I sketched on the back sides of a CansonMixedMedia sketchbook. Recently I flipped through my older sketchbooks and thought that the empty pages in this one should be used somehow. Space for 15… more couch animals / Couchtiere weiterlesen

guess what… / ratet mal…

…  I did today. Christmas is coming faster than you might think so I started preparing for this years christmas cards. Once a year I just have to try linocut :-))   … womit ich heute Spaß hatte. Weihnachten kommt schneller als man denkt, ich habe es für eine gute Idee gehalten, schon mal mit… guess what… / ratet mal… weiterlesen